During first part of day crossed a mountainous rocky desert, like near Conchalee, then a long deep sandy plain covered with broken marine shells. — There is very little water & that little saline; the few streamlets are bordered on each side by white encrustations, amongst which the succulent, salt-loving plants grow. The whole country from the coast to the Cordillera is a desert & uninhabited. — I saw only traces of one living animal in abundance; this was a Bulimus, the shells of which were collected together in extraordinary numbers in the driest parts. In the Spring, & at the dawn of day when the ground is damp with the dew these animals are crawling about in all parts. As they are never seen excepting in the early morning, the Guassos think they are born from the dew. — I have noticed in other places that the driest & very sterile districts are most favourable to an extraordinary increase of land-shells. — At Carizal there are a few cottages, some brackish water & a trace of cultivation; with difficulty we purchased a little corn & straw for the Horses.
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