The morning was dirty, but the afternoon was fair & we ran up the river about 30 miles in order to pump in fresh water. Anchored off the cliffs, called Santa Maria.
Captain Fitzroy’s Journal:
Our arrangements and observations being satisfactorily completed, a sufficient quantity of provision on board to last eight months, at full allowance, and an extra supply of iron and coals for the forge, in case of any serious accident, the Beagle sailed from Monte Video; and, after filling water near Cape Jesu Maria,† hastened to look after her little assistants, left near Bahia Blanco.
In this trip we benefitted by the assistance of Mr. Robert N. Hamond, an early and much esteemed friend of mine, who was lent to the Beagle from H.M.S. Druid, of which he was then a mate.
† Above Monte Video, on the north shore.
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