Bahia to Rio de Janeiro
Next morning we altered our place to within 2 miles of the group of Islands. The Abrolhos consisted of 5 small rocky islands, which although uninhabited are not unfrequently visited by fishermen. Two parties landed directly after breakfast. I commence an attack on the rocks & insects & plants, the rest began a more bloody one on the birds. Of these an enormous number were slaughtered by sticks, stones & guns; indeed there were more killed than the boats could hold. We all returned for dinner & after that a boat was given to the midshipmen in order that they might see the islands. I took the opportunity & had another ramble on this solitary spot. Whilst pulling back to the ship, we saw a turtle; it immediately went down, nothing certainly could be imagined worse for surprising an animal than a boat full of midshipmen.
Next morning we altered our place to within 2 miles of the group of Islands. The Abrolhos consisted of 5 small rocky islands, which although uninhabited are not unfrequently visited by fishermen. Two parties landed directly after breakfast. I commence an attack on the rocks & insects & plants, the rest began a more bloody one on the birds. Of these an enormous number were slaughtered by sticks, stones & guns; indeed there were more killed than the boats could hold. We all returned for dinner & after that a boat was given to the midshipmen in order that they might see the islands. I took the opportunity & had another ramble on this solitary spot. Whilst pulling back to the ship, we saw a turtle; it immediately went down, nothing certainly could be imagined worse for surprising an animal than a boat full of midshipmen.
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