This morning Cape Frio was in sight: it is a memorable spot to many in the Beagle, as being the scene of the disgraceful wreck of the Thetis. All day we ran along the coast & in the evening drew near to the harbour of Rio. The whole line is irregularly mountainous, & interspersed with hills of singular forms. The opening of the port is recognised by one of these, the well known Sugar-loaf. As it would be impossible to get a good anchorage or enjoy the view so late in the evening, the Captain has put the ships head to the wind & we shall, to my great joy, cruize about for the night. We have seen great quantities of shipping; & what is quite as interesting, Porpoises, Sharks & Turtles; altogether, it has been the most idle day I have spent since I left England. Everybody is full of anxiety about letters & news papers, tomorrow morning our fates will be decided.
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