Boisterous weather, the ship rolled a good deal; & I actually felt rather uncomfortable: I look forward to sea-sickness with utter dismay, not so much as regards the misery of a fortnight or three weeks, as the being incapacitated for a much longer time from any active employment. — In middle of day walked to Corsan (Cawsand) bay & there enjoyed the sight of the sea lashing itself & foaming on the rocks. — There is no pleasure, equal to that which fine scenery & exercise creates. It is to this I look forward to with more enthusiasm than any other part of our voyage.
Dined with Sir Manley Dixon, a pleasant quiet party, or rather to speak more truly, I suspect very dull to every body but the Captain & myself, for the Beagle was the chief subject of conversation, & it is now the only one that at all interests me. — It is no easy matter at any time, but now a most painful one to make conversation at a regular party.
We have had a long & rough pull to the vessel, but I am now seated in my own corner, snug & am listening to the wind roaring through the rigging with same sort of feeling that I often have when sitting round a Christmas fire.
Eight bells have struck, or it is 12 oclock, so I will turn into my hammock.
This is an admirable use of the blog. I only wish that "Roger R." had left a way to be contacted and thanked. I am curious about how he found all these great accompanying images.
You've contacted and thanked... it is much appreciated.
I have contacted all sorts of people to use images, and as far as possible I try to say where they come from. Only one organisation has objected... and so I immediately stopped using their images (pity, they were particularly good).
I could understand if I was doing all this for gain, but I am most certainly not... it is a labour of love ~ to interest and attract folk to Darwin's work. So I do feel the use of such images is perfectly within the spirit of the internet.
Roger R.
I have just discovered this amazing diary - congratulations on such an original and generous idea :) Thank you- I am sure Mr Darwin would appreciate it!
from a humble darwinian portuguese biologist :)
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