... that the hills are by no means lofty. I have written one account of the Island in my geology and it is much too hard work to copy anything when the sun is only a few degrees from the Zenith. I spent a most delightful day in wandering about the woods. The whole island is one forest, and this is so thickly intertwined that it requires great exertion to crawl along. The scenery was very beautiful, and large Magnolias and Laurels and trees covered with delicate flowers ought to have satisfied me. But I am sure all the grandeur of the Tropics has not yet been seen by me. We had no gaudy birds. No humming birds. No large flowers. I am glad that I have seen these islands, I shall enjoy the greater wonders all the more from having a guess what to look for. All the trees either bearing some fruit or large flower is perhaps one of the most striking things that meet one, whilst wandering in a wood in these glorious regions.
I joined the Captain in the evening and was informed that we should sail that very evening. What decided his plans is the great difficulty in landing in the surf.
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