This Sauce is a little way out of the direct road — from it to Freyrina we had to cross some mountains, — every days march to the Northward the vegetation becomes more scanty; here a few tiny bushes were coated by a filamentous green Lichen & the large Candlestick-like Cactus was succeeded by a much smaller species. During the winter months both in Chili & Peru a thin but uniform stratum of clouds hangs at no great height over the Pacifick. — From the above hill we had a striking view of this great white & brilliant field; from it arms entered all the valleys, leaving Islands & promontories precisely in the same manner as the sea intersects the land in the Chonos Archipelago. — We reached Freyrina early in the day to the great joy of ourselves & poor horses. — In the valley of Guasco, beginning at the mouth we have the little village at the port — a spot entirely desert & without water immediately at hand. — 5 leagues up is the village of Freyrina, consisting of one long straggling street; the houses white washed & generally decent. — 10 leagues further up is the principal town — Ballenar. — And again near the Cordilleras there is Guasco alto, an agricultural or rather Horticultural village, famous for its dried fruit. — Ballenar & Freyrina depend chiefly on the mines. —
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