Callao is a most miserable filthy, ill built, small sea-port; the inhabitants both here & at Lima present every imaginable shade of mixture between EuropÅ“an, Negro & Indian blood. They appear a depraved, drunken set. The very atmosphere was loaded with foul smells; & that peculiar kind which can be perceived in nearly all towns within the Tropics was very strong. The Fortress which withstood L. Cochranes long siege, appears very imposing; the president is to-morrow going to dismantle it; he has not an officer to whom he could trust so important a charge. He himself obtained his present rank by being Governor & mutinying against the former president. — Callao being such as it is & Lima 7 miles distant, this is a disagreeable [place] to lie in a Ship; at present there are no means to take exercise. A short time since, Mr Wilson the Consul general. — Lord E. Clinton & a Frenchman were riding & were attacked by a party of Soldier — robbers, who plundered them so completely, that they returned naked, excepting their drawers. — The robbers were actuated by warm Patriotism; They waved the Peruvian banner & intermingled crys of "Viva la Patria"; "give me your jacket". "Libertad Libertad" with "Off with your trowsers".
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